I then went through and studied the footage frame by frame and made thumbnail sketches in my sketchbook and planned out my timing and arcs.

For safety's sake, i also studied footage online of a more basic bounce to a stop and sketched out a plan for that as well.

The next step was animating! Since this was a fairly basic assignment, i went ahead and animated both assignments
Version 1
Version 2
I really wanted to go with version 2, but i felt the way the ball gets some backspin off the wall and then bounce-rolls back toward the wall was just not reading well in the animation. I opted to submit version 1 for my assignment.
The second part of the assignment was to sketch a bunch of poses that demonstrated 'EXCITEMENT' choose one, and pose it on the STU character.

Again, i did multiple poses, but ultimately, my peers at school felt that #4, the dancing STU was the best.

What is a STU character please?